Open Space


Greetings from Hot-desking land! Does one size REALLY fit all?

Time passes, and you might be wondering how things are evolving on this issue that is of concern for everyone. As is known, a certain number of DGs of the Commission are already working on the so-called “dynamic collaborative working space”, better known as “hot-desking”.

Open Space

Open Space project in DG BUDGET – an imposed decision

Hot-desking - Share your experience wirth us

TAO’s EU Survey June 2022 ​ Full report

Ils sont fous ces HR!

Updated beginners guide to the “Hot-desking” saga at the European Commission ​ TAO’s proposal

Hot Desking for all and now?

TAO-AFI says no to policies based on “faits accomplis”

Open Space

Open Space project at DG BUDG – Let’s recall the facts…

Open Space - Strike notice addressed to DG HR.

TAO-AFI along with other trade unions intend to call upon DG BUDG staff to interrupt their work for a half-day period to express their disagreement with the Open space project.

Open Space

The unions expelled from the information meeting between Director General of BUDG DG and his staff about an Open Space project in his DG.

Open letter to M. Koopman


Open Space conference - Thursday 04/04 at 12.30

Cedric Radosavljevic will present the different types of Open Space configurations and will highlight the differences between open plan, silo and landscaped offices. Then, based on a study which was conducted in a public organisation, he will develop the effects this type of configuration has on physical and psychological behaviours of people who work there.